
Hi, my name is Becca, and welcome to my blog Taking the Leap Into Life. To tell you a little about myself, I am a freshman in high school, and I am taking a journalism class. This class has really sparked my interest in journalism and inspired me to start this blog. Some more information about me would include: I love dancing (ballet, tap, and jazz.) Every year at my studio, we perform the ballet, The Nutcracker, and the 2017 Clara will be yours truly. Throughout this fall season, I will post bits and pieces of my Clara experience, and afterwards, bits and pieces of my dance life. Also, I have a crazy life, and I will be posting different things from my life. I love my family so much. They are my biggest support, and I feel extremely blessed that they were given to me. I have a mom that is my voice of reason, dance mom, and biggest supporter, my dad that gives me wise advice about everything in life and can make me laugh at the drop of a hat, my older brother that knows everything all I have to do is ask and always there for me, my little brother that can be hilarious at times and super competitive at other times, and then there’s my little sister aka my best friend. I will be posting about them as well. Probably the biggest aspect of my life is my faith. I am a Christian, and Christianity is such a big part of my life that I have to share it with everyone. Jesus Christ saved me from sin, who wouldn’t want to share that? So I will be posting about my faith or faith related posts quite frequently. Also throughout my blog, I will hopefully be posting about fitness, beauty, and whatever else comes to mind. This blog doesn’t really have a specific theme. It will be a little bit of everything. Once again, welcome to my blog. Enjoy!

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